

Family Service | Deborah's Song of Victory | Judges 5

Rev. Phoebe

Family Service | Deborah: Rising above Expectations | Judges 4 |


Family Service | Heroes in the shadows: Communities unsung champions Judges 3|

Rev. David Gichungwa

Family Service | How to Fail as a Child of God | Judges 2

Pst. Jp

Family Service | Broken People, Faithful God| Judges 2:16

Pst. Jp

Family Service | GOD: Eternally reliable, and why it matters. | Hebrews 13:8

Pst. Jp

MAY: The Overflow Series

Family Service | Why so angry? Doing generosity right |
Genesis 4:1-7


Family Service | Sent with generosity | Philippians 2:19-30

Pst. Ndzi

Family Service | Generous Hearts: Reflecting Christ | Philippians 2:1-11

Mr.Fredrick Kinyua

Family Service | The Faithful Steward | 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 |

Pst. JP

Children Sunday | Reaching the Hearts of our Children | Mathew 19:13-15 |

Rev. Bella Mburu

Family Service | The Faithful Steward | 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 |

Pst. Emma

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